Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wing Pong

Wing (we ate our weight in wings) Pong (Beer Pong) was fun.

So what I kinda hit a lamp while jumping for joy that I got a ball in a cup?

So what I knocked down two other people's drinks?

So what I skipped through the bar merrily upon request?

I filled my cups with my drink of choice because I hate beer. It could have been worse.

Been rarely speaking to my crazy mom on the phone. I KNOW I know... I drew lines this time, boundaries. Told her I would only talk, not meet, this was it. I tell her everytime she asks about meeting up, then she hangs up on me, then she calls me like it never happened.

You know...I'm just not very bright.

She is texting me asking if she can come "sleep over." For real.

I thought she was just a drunk, not incredibly stupid. Is stupidity genetic?

I think some new spiders hatched out of my tree. Baby ones have been showing up on the ceiling. I kill them with the swifer. Multi-use that thing is. Have I mentioned I'm never getting a real tree again?

Watched a show last night where the chick was deathly afraid of the ocean. But because her new lover ran in, she faces her fears and runs into the ocean smiling. Smiling! If my love-machine was in a tub full of spiders and asked me to face my fears and jump in I would not:

1. Jump in. Hello, I'm scared. You get out.
2. Smile about it. Dumb show.
3. Immediately get over all fears just cuz I'm so madly in love.

Love does not conquer all. That's just something stupid people say. Bet my mom says it on the regular.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

...not like Charlotte at all.

Why didn't anyone tell me? It seems like a common sense sort of thing...I should have known. Now it's too late, it's already in my house and it was hard work.

I cut down my own Christmas tree and it has spiders in it. I don't like spiders.

When I was a kid I decided I would go through my back yard and collect as many spiders as possible into a jar. I brought that jar into my bedroom. I gave those little fuckers air holes to breath.


Ever have that feeling that something is crawling on you? You look but there's nothing there. Phantom creepy crawlies. This is the morning I chose to ignore that feeling. When I finally opened my eyes that morning and witnessed the horror...they were just...everywhere. Webs and big spiders and little spiders - furry spiders - jumping spiders - spiders with teeth and spinal cords!

I don't like spiders.

Thanksgiving was okay. Quiet. Food was good and that's really all that counts.

I decided to take the girl's Christmas picture myself this year for Christmas cards. I like the way they came out. Target Portraits can suck it this year.

That's all I have to say...

Monday, November 23, 2009


That's what they call people who likey the twilight books/movies - twihards.

I'm going tomorrow with two chicklets from work. We bought our tickets already. I'm very excited. If you aren't with me on this then you're against me and I will take you down. Any negative commentary will be met with hostility.

Miley concert was fun. I had no expectations. We had floor seats which turned out to be something I never want again when bringing little people along. Parents had kids on their shoulders making it difficult to see regardless of what row you were in. The kids got t-shirts and light sticks...I was struck with a light stick numerous times. Only once was it my own child. There were some teenagers standing on chairs. I knocked them down because that is obnoxious and rude.

Okay, I didn't... But WHO raised them? There are little people standing behind you. Skanks.

Thanksgiving this Thursday. I have my bird, as you know... I am well prepared. I will watch my parade and stuff myself then suffer through hours of football.

Saturday I'm going to cut down my own tree. First time ever. I expect complications.

Monday, November 16, 2009

All cuz I'm cheap

T-3 days to the Miley Cyrus concert. You wish you were me.

I went through the circular over the weekend. I was trying to be thrifty. I saw that three different grocery stores were offering my favorite free turkey promotion. Spend a certain amount, get a free cluck-cluck. I carefully choose my store, make a list, and head out. I shop, I calculate - I spend the desired amount and choose my prize. I make sure it's a heavy bitch, too.

I roll up to the check out. I load up my thanksgiving feast and food for the week. As she scans the items I see them adding up to the goal and I'm proud of myself for mentally adding properly. Lastly, she scans the giant cluck-cluck. I wait to see her punch in the code so that it will magically come off...FREE TURKEY...it should say. Nothing happens. She says, "147.56 please."


Um, did you take the free turkey off? I asked innocently, knowing the bitch didn't.

She says, "That promotion doesn't start until tomorrow."

I just...I don't...I can't even...when I plan something and I get all excited and it revolves around food and someone breaks my little heart like this...complete devastation.

Do I make her void the order and put everything back? NO. Mortified. Do I just buy it all and try to shop and spend the same amount later on in the week again to get the turkey later? NO.

She must have seen the smoke from my brain working so hard (or the tears)...she gave me the turkey anyway.

I'm quite pathetic.

Also, the girl told me I have a little belly like the Grinch yesterday. Cake topper.

Monday, November 9, 2009

More of them...

When the girl was first born I didn't work full time. I stayed home with her mostly, raising her to be the cutie-patootie smart-ass she is today. Cook, clean, play with baby, go for a walk maybe, clean more...clean clean clean...soon you stop wearing make up because there's no one to see. You stop blow drying your hair each morning for the same reason. You wear comfortable sweats or jeans with a sweatshirt and sneakers everyday because...well...who are you impressing? You're a mom and this is the mom uniform.

When the girl was 2.5 I went to work full time, corporate style. Pencil skirt, woven shirt, stilettos, make up, blown out hair...

I like this version of me. It's the pretty me.

I'm still a mom. I still clean, cook, play with the girl. I still do mom things. I just don't wear the mom uniform anymore.

On the rare occasion that I can go pick up the girl from school, meaning, she does not take the bus to her afterschool program, I get to see the other moms. They are all in the mom uniform. All of them. ALL of them. None have converted, like me. I'm an alien. An outcast. A WITCH! They stare down at me...in their house coats...their sweatshirts that are holiday themed if a holiday is near. They hate me. They won't even talk to me. I used to be one of you...bitches. I stand alone.

Girl joined girlscouts. She is a Daisy. It was cut throat to get her in. I nearly had to sell my soul to the girlscout leader herself. Met all the other moms at the Halloween party last week, eager to make friends...guess what?

Curlers. Housecoats. Sweatshirts. Mom jeans. Keds. KEDS!

I tried to talk to each little group but they'd find a way to break away one by one and reconvene elsewhere, far from me. For real. It's like a peanuts cartoon and I'm pigpen...no one can stand to be near me.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Damn Dirty Turkey

So, with Thanksgiving upon us, TexAss friend's son has a turkey project due. We are back and forth about what should be done for the project. The teacher is harrassing her about it. Irritating. Projects for 6 year olds are just fucking irritating because they are really parent projects anyway. The kids just sit there, color a thing or two and write their names on it. It's all us...

Texas: seriously i just got an email from the teacher over damn turkey.

Me: roast that bitch a 20 lb turkey
leave the head on

Texas: heeeee.
the neck. omg. those are so nasty. wtf is it in there for?


Texas: is it for you guineas?

I want a turkey with no giblets

Texas: remember the first turkey you ever pulled one out of?

Me: YES i left them in

Texas: like seriously a WHAT THE FUCK moment.

Me: didnt know they were in there
i pulled out cooked giblets

Texas: in plastic?

Me: wax paper i think

Texas: my mom left one in but it was naked.
course she also put foil in the microwave. a chef she was not.
people use giblets but necks. neck soup! lol.

Me: EW
i dont even know what all the parts are
the neck looks like some poor mans penis part to me

Texas: man you've been fucking some odd shapes.

Me: come on, a little?
okay forget it

Texas: i'm never making another turkey.
Blow jobs are bad enough.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

PTA Queen

Last year my girl enrolled in this school. I was advised by my friends not to go to the PTA meetings. They said I'd "Take. Over."  Whatever. No I wouldn't. I'm so not like that.

This year, there was talk of an after school program. Currently I pay full price for an "off-the-premisis" after school program. I was intrigued by this. I must know what is going on.

I decide I will not talk. I will sit quietly and listen. Find out what I need to know and make a quiet exit. I will introduce myself to no one. I will sit alone in the back.

I get there, I sit in the front. I sit by other moms in my kid's class and introduce myself. I gossip and talk. I get high doing so. I ask many questions. I raise my hand making suggestions. I tear down the principal for her ignorance in front of the entire PTA. I am revered for this. I am admired for my fund raising suggestions. I am asked for my name and phone number by many parents afterwards. I am their Queen.

This can never happen again. I cannot control myself. I must take proper precautions.

I write down the date of the next PTA meeting in my planner.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fool me once, shame on you...

Fool me twice, shame on me, right?

What do they say about people who get fooled for the 372986728th time?

I'm not really fooled. I just feel bad. Feel bad for myself and feel bad for her. She tried to be a good mother. I remember special things she tried to do. I remember lots of presents under the tree. I remember Santa came to our house on Christmas Eve to give us one present early...I imagine it went something like this...

Mom: Go git cher Slanta Sluit on for kids...go on...(hee hee)

Dad:  aight... (takes drag from blunt) ...fuckn Santa suit...damn kids...

It was magical!

She's been calling me a lot lately, trying to reconcile again. I want a mom, so I answer. She loves me - she just lovey the drinky more. She tells me she will NOT drink around me or the girl, EVER. She won't. She hardly ever does anymore. Please let's meet up, she says. Let's have dinner. This was on the phone last night at around 6:00 pm...

9:00 pm

Hello my daughter. It's your mother. (fuck, I know this tone)
I'm just SO sad because my sister isn't well and I'll never see her again the way that she was and the way that we were and the way that she was...I am so sad about that...I don't know what I'll do. You still love me though right? At least I have YOU, my daughter...I love my daughter...and your preccciouusss preccciouusss little baby girl that you love so much and I love so much and she is so special you know that don't you???????!! Why won't you let me see her you're going to let me see her right?

Mom, you really need to stop drinking....


...and she hung up.

Maybe I will find someone to wear a Slanta Sluit for my girl this year, make it special...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Here's how it went down...

Went to church on Sunday and live to tell the tale, though there's not much of it.

We sat towards the back and I couldn't hear very well what with babies crying and all. I kind of liked being there and envisioned how pretty it would be come Christmas - but - I kind of was bored. I like when the priest talks about stuff...but the readings? I could live without...

The girl enjoyed the songs. She sung along without knowing the words. Don't ask me how. Then she made me get communion even though I was set against it because she wanted to know what it looked like. I showed her, she wanted to touch it, I said no...that's weird right? Can't touch my blessed "Body of Christ" before I eat it...there must be a rule about that somewhere. The priest was already eyeballing me funny because I didn't eat it right away.

She liked Sunday school. They did crafts. There was an argument between her and her friend about trading necklaces or something. She will not be wearing any accessories next week. In trouble on the first day...
Her friend came out upset. She is having a tough time of it at home...but basically said something like, "God is fake!" Of course, I immediately shoot an accusing glance at my little heathen.


"NO!" she says...

I believe her. She had fear in her eyes. I must have had my scary face on. She's been praying to God asking for all sorts of things anyway. Getting her to believe was easier than I thought. She's treating him like a Genie in a Bottle though so I'll have to get her to knock that one off... "Dear God, can you tell my mom to buy me a new toy today?" "GOD PLEASE let my mom get me a kitten!"

All in all, good experience. She's happy to go and I'm happy she's happy.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Now I've Gone and Done It

We all know I'm a heathen. I've rejected religion for some time now. The whole God thing just never appealed to me.

Well, at a recent birthday party all of the moms were talking about where they were registering their children for Sunday school. I put my head down and tried not to make eye contact but they called on me anyway.

I am quite visibly a guinea and by default, catholic, so they assumed my daughter would already be registered in a nice catholic school because in 2 years they make their communion. Fuck.

"Not registered yet." I say.

They all gasp in horror.

"Tomorrow is the last day! You have to get her in! Get her in with our girls! You want her to make her communion, don't you?! She won't be able to get married in a church!"


They proceed to give me all the details. I felt peer pressure. I gave in.

Fuck squared.

The next morning...on the way to registration...I gave a quick 5 minute pep talk to rectify the 6 years of damage I had done.

The girl: Mom, where are we going?

Me: You are going to learn about Jesus and God.

The girl: But God isn't real.

Me: He is now. You are going to start believing in him and learn about him.

The girl: But you don't.

Me: *Sigh* I'm going to believe in him, too, OKAY?!

On the way home, she made her very first reference to the almighty.

The girl: Oh MAN, I got the SAME toy I already have out of the machine at the supermarket. This is GOD'S fault!

Me: ... *sigh* ...woman...God is only responsible for the good stuff that happens. That one wasn't him.

Hey, at least she's recognizing his existence, baby steps. The Sunday school teacher eyeballed me GOOD and said we MUST attend mass every Sunday. Going this weekend - will report back if I don't burn alive upon entering.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


The cool breeze in NYC this week brings back memories of those first days back to school, and autumn...I love autumn.

The past few years our Septembers have been hot as hell. I wonder if that will change this year.

I'm kind of...I don't know. I'm needing some kind of motivation. I need change. I feel it coming, too, and it scares the shit out of me.

Change always works out in the end so I don't know why I fear it so much but I just do. I fear everything. I fear people from my past trying to be my friend on facebook - I'm like, "WHY? What do you want to KNOW?!" Then I skim my page looking for incriminating things...only to be reminded that I live a pretty boring life nowadays. It revolves completely around the girl and so my page is basically a shrine to her. Spy away old friends.

I've become cautious, too. Cautious of people trying to screw me. A lot of people try to do that. I must have the characteristics of an excellent stepping stone. People frequently use me to feel better about themselves, get what they want, pawn off anger about themselves or others...I am of good use for these things.

I wish I could tell you that after all this time I have learned to let it slide right off. Alas, friends, I absorb it like a fucking sponge. Then I sit and marinate in it.

I take all of those problems, the hate, the sideways anger, and even though I know it's not about me, I wonder about how I could have made it better for these people...end up blaming myself.

Autumn is my happy time. Usually I am breaking out my autumn decor by now, my pumpkin and apple scented candles...creating a calendar full of my favorite autumn activities. But I'm stuck here in sludge created especially for me by people in my life. People I kid myself into thinking give a shit about me, but in truth...they don't.

I form a lot of one way friendships. I care. I give. I help. I'm here. They're not.

I'm old now. I need to learn how the rest of the world does it. How they just let it roll off their backs...

How do you do it people? Someone help a bitch out.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Cheese Sticks

All this time I thought no one read this thing. Turns out a bunch of people do...this should make me happy. Bittersweet.

The girl and I had a playdate this past weekend. She had a friend over and so did I. Her and her friend trashed her room (that's what 6 year olds do) and me and my friend drank wine and ate high calorie foods while watching semi-sappy movies (that's what 20-something year olds do).

My playdate and I topped our evening off with coffee.

We are stupid.

Neither of us slept and we are both waiting to come crashing down.

The girl and her friend polished of 5 plums and a bag of cheese sticks. She said:

"SoandSo made me eat all my cheese sticks!"

oh she did, did she? she forced you?

"Well it felt really good to eat them, but, I didn't want to!"

mm hmm, likely story.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

El Facebook

So I log into my facebook today only to find the entire damn thing is in espanol.

Me: my facebook is en espanol
did you do this to me

Friend: lol no!
but i wish i did lol
thats great!

Me:tell me how to change it back

Friend:k gimmie a sec
acct settings

youll have to tell me 3rd one down
otherwise i wouldnt need you to tell me.

settings.. next to your name


Friend: 1st one down
then 5th tab on the top
the drop down has all the languages

Me:there we go


you are the only one who knows my pw
that was hysterical

Friend:lol no!

Ok, so, I changed my PW. I don't know who it was, but props to you. And props to friend for thinking explaining to me in ENGLISH how to fix my spanish facebook page was the way to go. Well done.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yes, I'm still bitching

My friend's family uses color coded stickers to claim objects in their parents' house. As in, when the parents die, no need to fight, everything with a red sticker on it is MINE.

I'm getting squat when mine kick the bucket.
1. Because they don't speak to me.
2. Because they don't have anything to give.

My BJ loving friend is sad she is not engaged. Actually, any of my friends that are not engaged or married at this point are suddenly sad that they are not engaged or married. I guess we all assumed it would happen for us and it didn't. I ask you this, my friends, if a good looking woman who loves bjs can't find a man to marry her...where's the hope for the rest of us?

Something else I noticed...some of the people I see getting engaged, or close to engaged, I kind of know in my heart they won't last. Is that my bitterness talking? Can't be sure. But it seems, these people, like myself, want the happily ever after. They find something close so they snatch it up...but...I'm not so sure it's the real thing. Time will tell.

In the mean time, I've placed some inappropriate yet entertaining bets with my other bitter, unmarried friends that will keep us occupied until said wedding days occur.

Oh shut up...you would cry too if it happened to you.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Big O

A lot of birthdays this month. The man. Several friends. I had picked out something that I really thought one friend would like. I knew her birthday was mid-August-ish. I cannot say what it is because she reads this shit... Anyway, after confirmation of exact date of birthday, I went to send the gift and it was SOLD OUT. I found a substitute gift. Hope she likes. We chatted today.

Friend: we like the same shit.

Me: i thought so, however
i have not SEEN this
and though i likey online
in person
you never know
feel free to return for something else.

Friend:the crack pot cutting my hair and i were discussing that yesterday. when you order something online, and get psyched up.
then it shows up.

Me: and its meh.

Friend: it's so crushing.

Me: very
because its fun waiting for self sent gifts
since you know it's what you want
but then when it's not what you want
you're like WTF
it's like when the guy ruins your big O

Friend: bastards.

Me:you say your gonna O and he all changes what he's doing or slows down and ruins it
never get it back.

Friend: they have no idea.
are you mad? what did i do? blah blah.
i get over it quick though. pissy for a bit then 5 minutes later i'm watering plants or whatever.

Me: Yeah, same.
But the initial pissed offedness
i could break his penis in half

Friend: they are so stupid about it.
blame the victim.

Me: so true.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Someone was angry last week.

My period has come and gone, everyone can relax now.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It is what it is...

What does that even MEAN?

I hate when people say that!

"What are you doing tonight?"
"Went grocery shopping. I'm going to make dinner. Uneventful."
"It is what it is."


It's like you ran out of shit to say to me so you end the conversation with a sentence that doesnt even make sense! It is what it is! That's that! You get what you get!

I will maul the next human to spout some stupid shit like that to me - DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

Just heard about TWO more engagements this week. Two. Both girls are significantly younger than I am. How can this be when I am clearly (see above) such a prize to be won?

I'm a special kind of miserable today. Entenmens coffee cake for dinner, miserable. STOP JUDGING ME. I make the girl real food...

My boss keeps singing...

"Every morning there's a halo hanging fra la la la ma bed my na....la la la... EVERY MORNING there's a halo hanging fra...friend?...frame?......EVERY MORNING THERE'S a halo hanging hanging hangin hangin la la la la la la la!!!!!"

He will be the next to die.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Man and I had an argument last night. Sky is blue. One plus one is two. Oh...sorry...I got caught up stating the obvious...

Why does the girl keep asking for a sister? No matter the explanation I try to give her she still thinks I'm going to push out an identical six year old for her to play with. No clue that it will be an infant that will annoy her. By the time the baby can play with her she'll want nothing to do with him/her anyway.
Big presentation today at work today.
5 minutes before the investors get here, the designer notices a lewd comment on the mock up of the site (the website allows commentary from the public)
I am amazed we are still in business.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Went to the beach two days in a row.

I have a "magic suit." It's for pudgy people with low hanging, lifeless boobs. It's a halter. The price you pay for cleavage and defying gravity is a nasty mark on the back of your neck at the end of the day. My poor neck had to carry DD piles of mush all day long. I also think somehow I pulled a muscle in my armpit - may or may not be related.

The girl's little 10 year old friend slept over the other night. She is starting to get boobs.

The girl decides she will try to WILL her boobs into existence. This must not work because she begins to squeeze them into place. I suppose the logic being that if she holds them there long enough, they will stay. What do you even SAY when you see this shit?

"Stop trying to squeeze your boobs into existence at the dinner table."

Yeah, that sounds appropriate. I just don't remember reading about that anywhere in the child rearing books.

Topamax makes my toes tingle like they are "asleep" all the time. ALL the time. I will still not trade this side effect for a migraine.

I held a newborn baby on Saturday. I want another baby, mostly. Not like, NOW...alone, single, by myself, again...that wasn't fun. Strange thing is I absolutely know in my memory that for an entire year I swore I would never go through child birth again. That it must be what dying a slow and painful death felt like and I would never again put myself through that. Never ever ever. I know that for at least 365 days I felt very strongly about this. Yet, today, I sit here and think to myself...

"I could totally do that again!"

This is how people wind up having multiple children. The memory fades with time. You always think it doesn't...but it does. Time heals all...even excruciating, vagina ripping pain.

Then, of course, you snap out of it and glance over at the kid YOU ALREADY HAVE to witness the squishing of her ninnies into place while you wonder where you went wrong as a parent and the whole idea of a second baby sounds like some kind of fucking nightmare.

Friday, July 10, 2009


That's the disease I've been diagnosed with.

Normal people, in NYC, will see a clearly marked spot of bird poo on the sidewalk and walk around it. Because this must mean that there is a nest, or perhaps this is a favorite place for the pigeons...whatever it may be. I don't ever see it. I walk right through it.

Same goes for dog poop. Throw up. Man spit. I also trip over garbage, curbs, uneven sidewalks...I hit my head on things that are just high enough that I think I can fit under, but in fact, I cannot. I frequently underestimate my width and slam my arms into doorways and such as well...

Yesterday, I get a haircut from a nice woman.

She does her best not to insult me, or the Asian woman I allowed to cut my hair the last time. However, she does not want me to blame her for the uneven mess she is about to show me. I would say that my hair was off by OVER AN INCH on each side. In other words, the left side was an inch or more LONGER than the right. How does one walk around like this for MONTHS, blow drying the hair, styling, brushing, looking in mirrors day after day and not noticing this severe lack of symmetry?

How do I not fall down more...

The girl is enjoying summer camp. The other day they went to the farm. I've been packing breakfast and lunch because she leaves so early in the morning that she isn't coherant enough to think about eating breakfast when I drop her off. She and the man have this conversation...

Him: How was the farm?

Girl: Fun.

Him: What did you eat?

Girl: For breakfast, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, for lunch, cheese sandwich.

Him: Mom made you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast? Why?

Girl: That's just the way Mommy rolls.

PS Finally got my grades for the Spring term...A, A and an A-

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Food...hm? Where?

I am one of those people (Italian) who plans her entire day around food. I think about breakfast the night before. I think about lunch while I'm eating breakfast and I think about what I'm making for dinner pretty much all day long. Once I've decided on dinner my focus turns to snacks and desserts.

The problem, now, is that my child is becoming very much like me. Must modify this condition.

Today, I started with myself. I brought left over dinner for lunch so I wouldn't think about it. I have an orange for a snack. I spent most of the morning thinking about not thinking about food. Do you see my problem? I'm not obese people...I just like food. Let's everyone relax. All 2 people that read this blog...

I actually just got myself a bowl of frosted flakes to SHUT MYSELF UP. I don't even like them. They are substandard. Who does that? Eats something they don't even like just so her brain will stop thinking about food. I'll tell you who. A soon to be fat chick with issues...nice to meet you.


In other news...the man and I have tried to resolve all issues. I let him touch my hiney last night.

No regrets, yet.

It wasn't like our first date or anything...where I cried after the sex.

...if I could go back 4 years and slap myself in the face for that, I most definitely would. Without hesitation.

Then I would say, "That's what you get for letting people borrow your cooch as if all they asked for was to borrow your VHS copy of Pretty Woman! Actually, you're even more selective about THAT! WHORE!"

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Once a dork, always...

Me: so here's something for you
Me: on my express bus in the morning
Me: is a boy that i used to have a crush on from like 6-8th grade
Me: mind you in 6th grade i was made fun of daily. i was the most awkward human girl that ever was
Me: he witnessed the worst part of my childlife
Me: and now i have to see him every morning
Friend: lol
Me: i have done a good job of avoiding him, pretending not to know him
Me: until today when he made direct eye contact with me and i had no choice but to smile
Friend: LOL
Me: to which he smiled back...in a pathetic "i know you were a dork" sort of way
Friend: everyone was a dork back then
Me: no
Me: i was THE dork
Friend: aw
Friend: but youre not anymore.
Friend: so f him
Friend: i bet hes a loser now
Me: i transfered to the worst public school in my neighborhood from a nancy private school
Me: and my mom got me a layered haircut to which she teased and sprayed and feathered back
Me: they called me helmet head through 6th grade
Me: i was also severely under developed in the boob department
Friend: :(
Me: that was me.
Me: I am okay with it now...
Me: but not when i have to run into the ghost of 6th grade past
Me: he knows...and despite the 7 years it took me to convert myself into a less dorky human being...it's like the dork is back for the 30 minutes i'm on the bus in the morning
Friend: you should wear a helmet tmw.
Friend: lol kidding. sorry i had to.
Friend: lol
Friend: i bet he is a huge loser now and works a stupid job
Friend: and has no friends
Me: i laughed. but i laughed the way the chubby kid laughs at fat jokes. he pretends not to care but deep down it hurts
Me: he did nothing to me
Me: he was quiet and i dont remember him making fun of me
Me: though maybe i blocked it out because i thought he was cute
Me: could be.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Happy Days! I took an express bus for the first time today. It is the 1st class of public transportation - short of someone offering me a drink. It is $5.00 each way but I love it and feel it's worth it.

The girl had her 1st day of summer camp today. She was worried about going for some reason. All the counselors remembered her name and greeted her with a smile. They were happy to see her which makes me happy. They have a trip to the central park zoo on Wednesday.

Going back to the laundromat tonight and I feel confident.

4th of July this weekend...have plans with a friend. Should be fun.

Switching headache meds again...*sigh* Verapamil didn't work...picking up Topamax tonight.

Taking the express bus home. Hope I love it just as much. Dinner is unknown. I am packing cheese, crackers, pepperoni and grapes for the laundromat. Gotta do something to make it fun. I wonder if they'd frown upon wine in a thermos...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dumb Guinea

It's been a strange week for me. I'm trying to get myself together without the help of others and it isn't easy.

I did my own laundry at the laundromat. I stood out like a polka dot in the crowd. My neighborhood consists mostly of elderly italians. There is an occasional Korean family and apparently there are some families of hispanic descent. Reason why I've never seen them? They all chill at the laundromat. They stared at me...well, stared up at me. Every single woman there was no more than 4' 9

I also didn't really know how many quarters it takes to run a washer. I didn't know where the detergent went. I didn't know that if you put your bag in front of a washer and go get change that doesn't mean you have any claim to it. When I got back 30 seconds later someone's clothes were in it and that shit was already up to the rinse cycle. I tried to ask for assistance but...no habla espanol.

I also went to the farmer's market and picked up fresh vegetables and fruit. I actually cooked them, too. Then I decided I would make fresh iced tea - like with tea bags. So I throw a giant pot of water on the stove and wait for it to boil. I slice lemons, get the pitcher ready, make sure I have enough ice...I am excited. Finally, the water boils. What do I do? I THROW SALT IN IT LIKE A DUMB GUINEA because apparently boiling water = pasta. I had to toss the whole thing and start over.

Went to some doc appts. I went to the opthalmologist. She says my eye balls are fine. I a little bit failed my field of vision test but I think I just took it wrong with the first eye. She wants me to come back but I ain't.

Next day I go for my yearly pap. Like any good woman, I sat and thought about the preparation. Shave? Don't? Shave some? Just trim? Make a little heart out of it? Who knows what the right thing to do is...

I get there and they make me wait. I refuse to pee because it will mess with my freshness. Finally, they call me in. They hand me the glorified napkin to cover myself with. I get naked and wear said napkin. Then, they make me wait again. Then, the air conditioner comes on. I can no longer feel my feet, I have to pee, and I am uncomfortably sitting naked waiting for someone to barge in.

Finally she came in. She wanted to chit chat the whole time about my kid, my love life, my everything...all while being up in my downtown area and feeling up my boobs. Always a joy.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Real Men

WHERE are the REAL men?

The men who care about something other than themselves?

The men that hold a door open for the person behind them?

The men that don't spit in the street?

The men that make sure a woman gets home okay?

The men that shower daily?

The men that care about their appearance?

The men that understand responsibility and uphold it?

The men that take other people's feelings into consideration?

The men that put the seat down?

The men that say good morning and have a good night?

The men with manners?

My generation is full of boys. Immature 20 and 30 something boys that haven't a clue as to what it means to be a man. I'm fucking sick and tired of it and I can assure you that if I ever have a son I will teach him how to be a respectful man. The so-called "men" of today are disgraceful.

Finding a real man is like finding a unicorn. A mythical creature that you've heard of but never seen. If you find one, grab on and don't let go because they are a dying breed doomed to extinction.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Miley Cyrus

I spent the better part of my morning figuring out how to get tickets to the Miley Cyrus concert in November. Last year when she toured I didn't think the girl would even know what a concert was. I took her to the movie instead. At the end she said, "I thought we were going to see the REAL Hannah Montana." Crap.

This morning I became an official member of Miley World for 30 bucks. I then could receive a code for presale tickets. I waited patiently for 10:00 am to roll around so I could buy them. My first two attempts never went through...error on the page. Third one did. Four tickets on the floor, 10th row. The girl will be pleased once I can tell her.

I can't tell her anything, ever, until the day we are going. Otherwise every single day until said event I will hear, "When are we going? Today? Tomorrow? How long? WHEN?" I can't take it.

She lost a tooth this past weekend. Well, more like had it ripped from her. She bit something that made it very loose and then we took it out. It wasn't ready to come out...she got 20 bucks.

Busy weeks to come. Hoping to make it to the beach this weekend, weather permitting.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

George Clooney wasn't there...

I went to the ER Sunday night. I lost my vision twice. It was like some angry blob crept over my right eye until I couldn't see anything, and then crept away, twice.

Everyone said that was a big deal. So I went to the ER with my bff, dropping the girl off somewhere first. I figured I was in for a long night.

I check in, and the woman says, "That is certainly a concern" after I described what happened...always reassuring, the hospital staff.

I got a little bed in the corner of the ER. The older man across from me kept lifting his sheet to flash me his man parts. He was 90 so I can't say this was the least bit pleasant.

Doc 1 comes over. Evaluates and says, "Sounds like you had a couple of strokes." His face does not change through our entire conversation, which was brief. Essentially, he knows nothing and will send me for tests. Which tests? Who knows? He doesn't say. We learn quickly that you must ask a very precise question to get answers from Doc 1 and so we prep a list for the next time he comes over.

Nurse man comes to draw blood. BFF tries not to pass out. I ask him what he's testing for. He is surprised at how little I know. I tell him who my doctor is and he says the man has no personality or bedside manner and not to take it personally. Yay for me.

A chick in the opposite corner is bitchin and moaning the entire time I'm there. She makes use of her self phone regularly to instruct her husband how to prep the kids for bed. Turns out she has a cut on her pinky finger that is not even bleeding anymore. The doctor gives her a bandaid and I proceed to make fun of her for the rest of the night. BFF and I conclude that she cut herself to get away from the children. We log it away for future use.

BFF finally goes home. At this point my 90 year old friend develops gas that sounds as though he is shitting himself, repeatedly. He finds the sound hilarious. I think he was trying to wave the stink my way.

In the morning I awaken to the sound of my old friend asking the nurse if she will wash his private parts. She says no. He says, "What about my rear end?" She says no...he farts.

I got a cat scan, blood work a second time, my carotid arteries checked, an ekg, a heart monitor strapped to me for the length of my stay, an echo of my heart, any maybe some other stuff that I'm forgetting. I did not have tumors nor did I have a stroke.

I have ocular migraines. Have to take a pill everyday forever so I don't go blind while driving or anything important like that. Admit it, you are jealous.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Edward Cullen = PG13 Porno

I started reading the Twilight series. I've had all 4 books since December and haven't touched them. Yesterday I read the first book and now I'm hooked. I'm embarrassed to say it. I love how romatic it is...oh God...I'll just stop myself there.

The girl's school is closed because of swine. Don't say I didn't warn everyone. It's getting closer and closer to me. Any day now I expect to have it.

I had a nice vacation, did I mention? It was a fun time even with just the girl and I. She didn't irritate me...much.

I have the summer bug. I want potato salad and grilling and pool and beach and I want it now.

The girl got her ears pierced this weekend. She was all sorts of brave. I warned her it would hurt and she wanted it anyway. She cried for 7 seconds and then asked to shop for more earrings. I thought it would be worse.

We have the dentist this weekend. We are both due for cleanings. But, I made the appointment mostly because her adult teeth have begun to come in behind her baby teeth. Friggen weird.

Things between the man and I are okay. I hope they stay okay. I hope we are both able to keep up our ends of the treaty.

One last boring thing you could give a shit about. I'm making london broil, rice, corn and a big salad for dinner. I've been too depressed to do much of anything lately. I am happy that I want to do this. It's a good sign.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


1. I'm easily manipulated and naive.

2. I have never peed in a pool or the shower.

3. I'm caring and forgive easily.

4. I had a dream once that celery grew on trees. It was scary. I recently learned that pineapples do not grow on trees and that peanuts grow underground.

5. I am always disturbed with the amount of crap that comes flying out of my keyboard when I use the air-blowy-thingy.

6. I like penis, unfortunately.

7. My hands feel clammy all the time so I wash them a million times a day.

8. I have a chin hair, and I pluck it. I think it is hereditary because my mom had one. It appears out of nowhere and when I find it, it's long enough to be scary. He does not always grow.

9. I once spent the evening plucking out my leg hair, for fun.

10. I mentally nickname every single person I meet.

11. I forget everything, all the time.

12. I have a hearing problem because once a child-sized tidal wave hit me at the beach and i was under water for a long time. Once I got out I thought for sure everyone would be panicked looking for me. No one noticed.

13. I can't see well, have low sensitivity to touch (not ticklish, ever)...my senses all suck.

14. My left boob is bigger than my right. I know this because it started growing first.

15. My description of childbirth could be marketed as a birth control more effective than condoms.

16. I make a Chandler Bing face when I take pictures. I feel his pain.

17. I used to think that I heard "Dog Chow" in the beginning of many popular songs. Turns out it was "Dark Child." I even used to sing the dog chow part...

18. I thought that Dunkin Donuts was named after some guy named Dunkin - not that the donuts were for actual dunking.

19. I believe in curses.

20. People always ask me if my Mom ever went to AA. She did, once. Came home drunk, without her underwear. She said she went to pee at the bar and couldn't get them back up so she threw them away. Likely story.

21. I have been punched in the face twice, by immediate family members. Once in the nose and once in the jaw. My teeth wouldn't align for a week and I still have issues with my jaw to this day.

22. I clench my teeth when I sleep, especially if I'm stressed.

23. I think too much if something is bothering me. I will think all night and not sleep at all.

24. I don't like going to bed upset or thinking someone's upset with me.

25. I touch each one of my fingernails one at a time when I have anxiety. I know, you think I'm a freak.

26. I like french fries with cheese and gravy, like, a lot.

27. I love animals and my first career goal was to become a veterinarian. Then I wanted to be a prima ballerina. Then an archaeologist. Then a computer programmer. Then a psychologist.

28. In my lifetime, I have been a florist, a cashier, a dance teacher, a sales rep at a retail store, a supervisor at a retail store, a receptionist an an executive assistant. Clearly, I am goal oriented.

29. I've never done drugs or even smoked a cigarette.

30. I don't like to be alone.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Swine-flu

All is right with the world. My work is done for this semester and I'm leaving for Florida on Tuesday. With the exception of this pesky swine flu I'm feeling good.

Drove to work today because I'm afraid someone will cough on me on the subway. I'm not afraid of getting the swine flu. As a matter of fact, I assume I will get it at some point. Either the girl will bring it home with her from school or some asshole on the subway will hack flu all over me. I just don't want it until I get back from vacation so I'm paying $18 a day to park in Manhattan today and tomorrow. I'm not trying to fight my luck, just postpone it. That's allowed, right? Cheating the system...

My cousin is coming from California with his girlfriend. They are staying with me for 4 days. I thought I was just the hotel but it turns out I am also the entertainment and tour guide. I took off Friday and now I have to decide what to do with these people.

I tried to pack for Florida. I can't. I need all the things that I have to pack. I bought the girl new summer clothes for the trip and packed them. She unpacked them because it was 90 degrees here the past few days. Back to square one.

She keeps fighting me on clothes. Yesterday we had the biggest argument because she didn't want to wear a tank top. Her arms will show, she says. Have you ever heard of anything more ridiculous in your life? MY kid is Mrs. Megaprude? Seriously? I blame the man. He is forever telling me my tits are hanging out...I bet she is self-conscious about clothes because of him.

He's not coming to FL with us. I'm so back and forth on my feelings about this. I want him there, but he clearly doesn't want to come. Same old song. He complains daily about everything. We are clearly not on the same page. Maybe we need a vacation from each other, too. Then he'll have a chance to miss me. Watching the girl all by myself will be fun. Of course I can handle it. But it's just like watching a second purse full of cash...can't let it out of your sight. Also, I fear she may annoy me. Hopefully she won't annoy me much until day 7, but what happens if she does on day 2? Then what? Yeah, yeah...you think I'm a bad mom. YOU TRY IT.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Couple things...

I'm so cranky today. My back hurts and I don't feel well. I probably have mono or the avian flu (or a cold).

I keep finding celebrities with my droopy eye issue...Katie Holmes and Eliza Dushku are prime examples. They are PRETTY with these eyes though. How do they make this happen? I can't figure it out. I need a professional to do my make up - show me where I'm going wrong here. The professional will probably tell me that I need a plastic surgeon, not a make-up artist...

My best friend wished me to get pregnant 7 or so years ago. She wished it every day. I got pregnant. She is wishing it again and my instinct is to maim her in some way...but the jail time isn't quite worth it.

My boobs are all weird today, too. I want a job working for Victoria's Secret...because I have a secret. My boobs lost their consistency when a vampire-like demon spawn (read: baby) sucked the ever-loving life out of them. They've lost density and therefor are lifeless, shapeless boobs that have to be poured into my bra. The bra, you see, acts as somewhat of a jello mold. Once the boob is set in said mold, I can walk out into public without A. Having them bounce off my knees when I walk or B. Having them knock me unconscious if I walk down the stairs just a tad too quickly. Victoria's Secret is close to what I (and I am sure countless other Mom's who've subjected themselves to granny Playtex bras) need, but they aren't quite there. Hire me, you perky boobed bitches (or know-nothing men).

Men created OB tampons, too. You know, the kind without the applicator? If you are accustomed to shoving shit up there, this shouldn't be too hard...but for me it is a bit more invasive than I'd like for an operation that takes place several times a day for a week. My mother, the dear, handed me a fucking OB tampon when we were in Florida on vacation once. I was 12 and had probably had my "." for a total of 6 times in my life. I wanted to swim on my vacation and she handed me this...with no instruction whatsoever other than, "Just shove it up there." So, I trot into the bathroom happily because I have a remedy for "being benched" while everyone else got to go in the pool. I shove it up there, as directed, and though I was told I "wouldn't even know it was there" I knew it. Walked out...stepped into the water...and nearly half the pool absorbed right into the damn thing. So, I clearly didn't shove it up there far enough... I ran out. Didn't get to swim. To this day I will not buy OB even though I am now a seasoned tampon user.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I have to put together the girl's easter basket at some point. I have the Easter crap, the basket, the grass...it's the assembly that will be put off until Saturday night - much like how her Christmas presents get wrapped mere hours before she unwraps them.

I'm not religious, but I like the holidays because they give me a chance to make a day special for the girl. You know how that excites me. I haven't believed in God since the 5th grade and truthfully, the girl just found out who God was this year because of the man. Yes, the man decided to give my child religious beliefs. I'm not allowed to be mad at him for that, he says.

Girl: Mom, did you know that God created everything around us?

Me: I didn't know.

Girl: It's true, that building, that person...that squirrel...God created EVERYTHING.

Me: I think construction workers created the building...

Girl: NO!

Me: Listen woman, we live in a country where it is okay to believe whatever you want to believe. So if that is what you believe, I am fine with it.

Girl: Do you believe it?

Me: No.

Girl: Can't you just believe the same as me Mom?!?!

Me: Fine...I believe God mixed cement and stacked brick for that building...

Girl: Thanks, Mom.

Later, in another one of her startling revelations, she told me the Easter bunny wasn't real. (Just in case you're taking notes, God is in, Easter bunny - out.) Apparently, she says bunnies are not that big and so clearly the Easter bunny is just a man in a bunny suit that breaks into your house to hide chocolate and eggs. This is not disturbing to her in any way whatsoever.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Days

There's this kid I work with...I hate him. Not because he's a bad person, but because EVERYTHING works out for him ALWAYS.

This, my friends, is a true story.

1. He is beyond late every single day for work. He shows up at lunch and people greet him with a smile.

2. He lies, gets caught, and somehow walks away smiling.

3. He makes people angry, they wait for him to show up so they can yell at him, he walks in, there is yelling for 3 seconds and by the time he walks out he is smiling, and they are thanking him for his time.

4. He just dropped his salad bowl, it landed face up and nothing fell out.

5. He finds/receives free stuff regularly.

6. He wins crap. Always.

7. Girls like him. (Not me.)

8. He is a dork, yet gets laid regularly (against all odds.)

9. He thinks everyday is a great day.

10. He does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, without a care in the world, and there are no consequences for this.

I wish, at the very least, a bird would poop on him. Do you know that I have been shat on by a bird FOUR times in my life? They say that is LUCKY. I say it's SHIT. Shit, that is ON me... I am the epitomy of Murphy's Law...they should rename it after me. If I'm going on vacation, it rains, everyday. If I need to be on time, there's traffic, my car breaks down and mysteriously my phone is also dead. If there isn't a toilet in a 20 mile radius, I have to pee. If I want a shower, there's no hot water. If I need to not be pregnant, I'm pregnant. This is my life and people aren't even surprised anymore when shit happens to me - or on me, for that matter. Bleh.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Weight Watchers

I joined Weight Watchers in December, right after Christmas. I weighed as much as I did in my 2nd trimester of pregnancy and I wasn't pregnant. It's a big downer. I lost about 14 pounds by mid-February, took a month off and gained 2 back. I'm back on trying to defeat my friend in our own version of "The Biggest Loser" and have lost 5 more lbs already. The person to lose the most weight gets to choose an item of their choice from Victoria's Secret which the fatter person has to buy. Our motivation is not really the prize, but rather that neither of us can afford to buy the prize because we're both perpetually broke.

On the home front, my kid has been trying to master the art of negotiation and manipulation for some time now. Last night, she succeeded.

Me: Eat the corn.
Her: But I don't even like corn.
Me: Fine, don't eat it. But then no dessert.
Her: I like dessert. How about I eat all the chicken?
Me: Eat the corn.
Her: Corn makes me throw up.
Me: Lies. Eat the corn.
Her: I love you mom.
Me: Eat the corn.
Her: Can I go to the bathroom?
Me: Yeah.
...1 hour and 20 minutes later...
Her: Can I have dessert?
Me: You didn't eat your corn.
Her: I was coming back for it now but you already emptied my plate in the garbage! That's not my fault!
Me: ...
...after thoughts of digging said corn out of the garbage...
Me: Get a pudding cup and leave me alone.

Friday, March 27, 2009

It's about that time...

This sounds nuts but every year around this time some awful crap happens to me. It is always out of nowhere. This year, my sister decides to outcast me from her wedding, but include my kid. Like that's gonna happen...we're done now. She and I never get along and I was stupid to think she'd changed. I like to see the best in people and give second chances. Sounds like a good thing but it's really turning into a fault of mine.


The boyfriend, the girl and I are taking a trip to Disney in the beginning of May. We're excited (Okay, I'm excited). Our trip happens to fall on the date we think is our anniversary and also during the week of Mother's day. Just picked up an awesome anniversary gift. The boy is afraid of planes and is actually driving, alone (no, I refuse, I'm friends with JetBlue), down to Orlando. He was attempting to conquer this feat with printed out directions from MapQuest. I foresee him getting lost so I got him a...drum roll please...Navigation System!

PS We used to have one...but...I left it in my car in my crackhead neighborhood and someone broke in and stole it.

Me (9:55:28 AM): Hey...imagine you had a penis and balls...wouldn't that bother you to have that junk hanging between your legs?
Me (9:55:50 AM): I mean, I get irritated when i get so fat that my thighs rub together
Me (9:55:54 AM): that's got to be annoying
Friend (9:56:10 AM): my first reaction is to say yes but i think theyd always be in my hand so i dont think itd bother me much.
Friend (9:56:28 AM): if i had a penis, id be arrested so freakin quick for doing lewd things in public.
Me (9:56:51 AM): i think they're gross
Friend (9:57:00 AM): peni?
Me (9:57:00 AM): i'll use them, in the dark, touch them if i have to
Friend (9:57:12 AM): thats def not the plural form but it looks funny lol
Me (9:57:26 AM): but it's about the most disgusting bunch of things to be coupled together and protruding from a humans body
Me (9:57:36 AM): yes peni
Me (9:57:40 AM): multiple peni
Friend (9:57:49 AM): hahaa
Me (9:59:20 AM): just ew.
Me (9:59:24 AM): I feel bad for men.
Friend (9:59:32 AM): lol
Friend (9:59:33 AM): dont.
Me (9:59:45 AM): imagine you get stuck with a small one?
Me (9:59:50 AM): that's got to mess you up for life
Me (10:00:00 AM): boobs, whatever, get implants
Me (10:00:21 AM): but all of our "downtown" areas are just generic...doesnt matter the size or anything
Me (10:00:46 AM): no guy ever gets a chick naked and says, "oh...that's all?"

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today, a man nearly fell over himself trying to open a door for me. He dropped things and really almost fell. Just a moment ago another man said to me, "Looking beautiful, as always."

There are several things wrong here:

1. I have no make up on today. You know me, I look better with it.

2. I'm wearing a yucky sweater but it's keeping me warm in my sub-zero office.

3. I'm showing no cleavage.

The math is wrong, I say.

Me (10:39:59 AM): guy here that flirts with me just said "Looking beautiful as always"
Me (10:40:03 AM): i have no make up on
Me (10:40:06 AM): i am confused.
Friend (10:41:37 AM): lol
Me (10:41:52 AM): i am starting to wonder if he is blind
Me (10:41:57 AM): or this is some cruel joke
Friend (10:42:08 AM): LMAO
Me (10:46:28 AM): perhaps my name is in the men's bathroom with something like "She's easy and takes it in the ass" written below it
Friend(10:47:18 AM): i wrote it there.
Me (10:47:49 AM): figures

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Marriage and Mermaids

My sister's engaged. She's 4 year's younger than me and she's been in a relationship for shorter time. Color me bitter. It's got me thinking about the wedding I'll never have. I'll surely be poor so I imagine it to be in a backyard somewhere, with little tea lights floating in a pool. You know, one of those plastic ones for babies...

Friend (1:52:40 PM): if i learn to swim and get skinny, you can have a mermaid in your pool at your wedding LMFAO
Me (1:52:52 PM): if that is what you want
Me (1:52:56 PM): i'll allow it
Me (1:54:01 PM): we will glue seashells to your boobs
Me (1:54:03 PM): it will be great
Friend (1:54:19 PM): glue?!
Friend (1:54:27 PM): i was thinking body paint.
Friend (1:54:34 PM): and just stick a flipper on me
Me(1:55:00 PM): i can just imagine, by the end of the night the pool is multiple colors and (friend) is ass naked.
Me (1:55:08 PM): what lovely pictures for my wedding album