Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Food...hm? Where?

I am one of those people (Italian) who plans her entire day around food. I think about breakfast the night before. I think about lunch while I'm eating breakfast and I think about what I'm making for dinner pretty much all day long. Once I've decided on dinner my focus turns to snacks and desserts.

The problem, now, is that my child is becoming very much like me. Must modify this condition.

Today, I started with myself. I brought left over dinner for lunch so I wouldn't think about it. I have an orange for a snack. I spent most of the morning thinking about not thinking about food. Do you see my problem? I'm not obese people...I just like food. Let's everyone relax. All 2 people that read this blog...

I actually just got myself a bowl of frosted flakes to SHUT MYSELF UP. I don't even like them. They are substandard. Who does that? Eats something they don't even like just so her brain will stop thinking about food. I'll tell you who. A soon to be fat chick with issues...nice to meet you.


In other news...the man and I have tried to resolve all issues. I let him touch my hiney last night.

No regrets, yet.

It wasn't like our first date or anything...where I cried after the sex.

...if I could go back 4 years and slap myself in the face for that, I most definitely would. Without hesitation.

Then I would say, "That's what you get for letting people borrow your cooch as if all they asked for was to borrow your VHS copy of Pretty Woman! Actually, you're even more selective about THAT! WHORE!"


Candance said...

Uh, Lady, you are funny as shit. Love it and that fact that, when I go to read your blog I get warned that the content may not be suitable for my virgin eyeballs. SHUT UP!! I am so glad whoever linked you to me did the linking cause I must follow you now. Seriously.

Black Cloud said...

Aw, thanks! Make that THREE people who read my blog! (ok...including me.)