Friday, July 10, 2009


That's the disease I've been diagnosed with.

Normal people, in NYC, will see a clearly marked spot of bird poo on the sidewalk and walk around it. Because this must mean that there is a nest, or perhaps this is a favorite place for the pigeons...whatever it may be. I don't ever see it. I walk right through it.

Same goes for dog poop. Throw up. Man spit. I also trip over garbage, curbs, uneven sidewalks...I hit my head on things that are just high enough that I think I can fit under, but in fact, I cannot. I frequently underestimate my width and slam my arms into doorways and such as well...

Yesterday, I get a haircut from a nice woman.

She does her best not to insult me, or the Asian woman I allowed to cut my hair the last time. However, she does not want me to blame her for the uneven mess she is about to show me. I would say that my hair was off by OVER AN INCH on each side. In other words, the left side was an inch or more LONGER than the right. How does one walk around like this for MONTHS, blow drying the hair, styling, brushing, looking in mirrors day after day and not noticing this severe lack of symmetry?

How do I not fall down more...

The girl is enjoying summer camp. The other day they went to the farm. I've been packing breakfast and lunch because she leaves so early in the morning that she isn't coherant enough to think about eating breakfast when I drop her off. She and the man have this conversation...

Him: How was the farm?

Girl: Fun.

Him: What did you eat?

Girl: For breakfast, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, for lunch, cheese sandwich.

Him: Mom made you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast? Why?

Girl: That's just the way Mommy rolls.

PS Finally got my grades for the Spring term...A, A and an A-

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Good grades! Congrats!