Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wing Pong

Wing (we ate our weight in wings) Pong (Beer Pong) was fun.

So what I kinda hit a lamp while jumping for joy that I got a ball in a cup?

So what I knocked down two other people's drinks?

So what I skipped through the bar merrily upon request?

I filled my cups with my drink of choice because I hate beer. It could have been worse.

Been rarely speaking to my crazy mom on the phone. I KNOW I know... I drew lines this time, boundaries. Told her I would only talk, not meet, this was it. I tell her everytime she asks about meeting up, then she hangs up on me, then she calls me like it never happened.

You know...I'm just not very bright.

She is texting me asking if she can come "sleep over." For real.

I thought she was just a drunk, not incredibly stupid. Is stupidity genetic?

I think some new spiders hatched out of my tree. Baby ones have been showing up on the ceiling. I kill them with the swifer. Multi-use that thing is. Have I mentioned I'm never getting a real tree again?

Watched a show last night where the chick was deathly afraid of the ocean. But because her new lover ran in, she faces her fears and runs into the ocean smiling. Smiling! If my love-machine was in a tub full of spiders and asked me to face my fears and jump in I would not:

1. Jump in. Hello, I'm scared. You get out.
2. Smile about it. Dumb show.
3. Immediately get over all fears just cuz I'm so madly in love.

Love does not conquer all. That's just something stupid people say. Bet my mom says it on the regular.

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