Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Put on a Happy Face

Day 29 of captivity:

I no longer like this job. Here's why-

Yesterday, I get called into a little mini meeting with my manager. She tells me I am GREAT, doing a great job, yadda yadda - I know.

Then she says, "Are you happy here?"

Me: Yes, very happy.

Her: Because, you just don't smile much.

Me: ...

Her: Sometimes, I think I'm smiling but I'm really making a face like this (proceeds not to smile) so I make a better effort, show teeth, and smile!

Me: ...

Her: But everything else is great!

Me: So, I do my job well...but you want me to smile more...

Her: Yes!

You know, this made me cry after I walked out. She proceeded to tell me that it looks like I don't want to be here and went on and on about how I should be more bubbly and smiling. But, the thing is, I AM a smiler, you know? I'm jolly damnit. Rarely am I in a bad mood. This just struck me as fucking weird. She made it sound as though they ALL thought this of me.

Come to find out it's only one woman who thinks this. This woman, who I say goodmorning to every day and she just stares at me like a deer in the headlights, went out of her way to complain about me. I didn't even want to come in today - unless it was in the form of rebellion.

Well, I smiled the FUCK out of that bitch all day today. I don't feel much better about it. I hope she's happy, with her fake smiles and forced kiss-ass.


Kristy said...

I scowl a lot. I don't mean to, I just do. I HATE when people comment on it. People who smile all the time seem suspicious to me.

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY agree with you on this!! I get that all the time, why dont you smile more?? Who walks around with a goofy fake smile on their face 24/7?? Very few ppl smile all the time, and they have something wrong with them. To me, those people are more weird than a person with a serious face that smiles when its appropriate! I'll smile when I want to, not cause YOU want me to! Arrgghh!!!