Monday, April 5, 2010


Happy Easter and shit.

Mine was fine.

I have a runny nose. It's been here for weeks now. I assume it's allergies but I'm tired of medicating myself every damn day.

When I was little my crazy mom called boogers, menews. I don't know if that's how you spell it but you pronounce it me-new. If my nose was running I'd call it menew juice. That's hot right? Well, I still mentally call it that...I just don't tell outsiders.

me: my nose won't stop's extremely annoying

friend: stop snorting the cocaine.

me: quitting is for the weak.

At my job, they list you in the directory according to your position. Except I'm a temp for now...rant to follow.

Instead of it saying Temp next to my name it says OUTSIDER. Like, don't share information with her she's an OUTSIDER. It hurts my wittle feelings...

Know what else hurts my feelings? My recruiter taking 200 out of my check every damn week for the next 3 months. WHORE. It does more than hurt my feelings...she might as well drop a fucking turd in my cocoa puffs. HATE.

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