Friday, September 24, 2010

RIP Tooth Fairy

So, yesterday the girl comes home with grumpy all over her face. I ignore...

I surprise her with costume shopping. She doesn't find the costume she wants so the grumpiness amplifies.

I tell her I have to get my hair cut because I look like Morticia Addams...while sitting and waiting for my turn, she asks me:

"Mom, are you the tooth fairy?"

...(enter mine field)

Me: Why do you ask?

Her: Jeffrey (asian kid in her class) told me there's no toothfairy. That it's the parents.

I carefully navigate my way through the mine field. I decide to take the path of truth because she outright asked if it was me.

Me: My parents did it for me and I thought it was fun so I did it for you, too.


Her: (look of disbelief + horror + betrayal)

Me: I can still give you money! (guilt) Or presents! How about presents? (major guilt)

At this point in time I have completely lost any rational parenting skills I may have possessed.

Her: It's not fair. Now I have nothing to look forward to when I lose my teeth.

Me: ...presents? ANYTHING YOU WANT?! How can I make this better for you?

Her: (Grumpy squared + Sadness and possible tears)

Me: What if I punch this kid Jeffrey in the throat?

I texted all my friends about the situation. The feedback was diverse...

Taken into consideration.

"Ok. So?"
Slap my man across the face for being a heartless bastard.

"She was going to find out sooner or will start to make fun of her if she still believes. Start prepping for the Santa talk."
I hate realists.

"Tell her the tooth fairy is only for white kids. That's why his mom has to do it for him. She'll learn racism eventually."
Considered...but, denied.


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