Tuesday, February 23, 2010

King of Queens

People say my man and I are like that show. I have the accent and he's got the sense of humor. We happen to like that show very much. Even when new people meet us they think that immediately and always tell us.

I filed my taxes today. Getting back 7,000+. Finally, getting knocked up at 21 and dropping out of college only to return 8 years later is paying off! That was my plan all along...

I miss summer. Why couldn't I be unemployed during the summer? Go to my summer house with my summer friend...do summer stuff. No, no...not me...I get to be unemployed during the bitch cold frigid fucking NYC winter. Can't go out. Can't do shit. I'm bored.

My kid is going ghetto on me...in the past couple of weeks alone she has said:

"I busted my knee!"
    Translation:  I hurt my knee.

"Do you have to go to the bathroom, Mom? Because I think I'm going to blow it up."
    Translation:  I have to poop. It's going to smell. Be advised.

Not sure where this is coming from. Kids are weird. They say weird shit that doesn't make sense and do weird things that make you tilt your head to the side and ponder their motives... I'm kind of naive, okay...very naive. I wonder if she takes advantage of that and plays me? Do you think so? I feel like I catch her most of the time but it's quite possible she pulls the ol' wool over my eyes. She's sneaky, manipulative and cute as hell. Awful combination. Her poor husband...he's fucked.

I know other parents look at us, the girl and me, and they know I'm fucked.

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