Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Damn Dirty Turkey

So, with Thanksgiving upon us, TexAss friend's son has a turkey project due. We are back and forth about what should be done for the project. The teacher is harrassing her about it. Irritating. Projects for 6 year olds are just fucking irritating because they are really parent projects anyway. The kids just sit there, color a thing or two and write their names on it. It's all us...

Texas: seriously i just got an email from the teacher over damn turkey.

Me: roast that bitch a 20 lb turkey
leave the head on

Texas: heeeee.
the neck. omg. those are so nasty. wtf is it in there for?


Texas: is it for you guineas?

I want a turkey with no giblets

Texas: remember the first turkey you ever pulled one out of?

Me: YES i left them in

Texas: like seriously a WHAT THE FUCK moment.

Me: didnt know they were in there
i pulled out cooked giblets

Texas: in plastic?

Me: wax paper i think

Texas: my mom left one in but it was naked.
course she also put foil in the microwave. a chef she was not.
people use giblets but necks. neck soup! lol.

Me: EW
i dont even know what all the parts are
the neck looks like some poor mans penis part to me

Texas: man you've been fucking some odd shapes.

Me: come on, a little?
okay forget it

Texas: i'm never making another turkey.
Blow jobs are bad enough.


Kristy said...

I think I know this Texas she a major asphalt?? ;-)

Black Cloud said...