Wednesday, October 21, 2009

PTA Queen

Last year my girl enrolled in this school. I was advised by my friends not to go to the PTA meetings. They said I'd "Take. Over."  Whatever. No I wouldn't. I'm so not like that.

This year, there was talk of an after school program. Currently I pay full price for an "off-the-premisis" after school program. I was intrigued by this. I must know what is going on.

I decide I will not talk. I will sit quietly and listen. Find out what I need to know and make a quiet exit. I will introduce myself to no one. I will sit alone in the back.

I get there, I sit in the front. I sit by other moms in my kid's class and introduce myself. I gossip and talk. I get high doing so. I ask many questions. I raise my hand making suggestions. I tear down the principal for her ignorance in front of the entire PTA. I am revered for this. I am admired for my fund raising suggestions. I am asked for my name and phone number by many parents afterwards. I am their Queen.

This can never happen again. I cannot control myself. I must take proper precautions.

I write down the date of the next PTA meeting in my planner.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

HAHA! Run for president! Sounds like they need some guidance!